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Formal Business Assessment - Analyzing the results.

Formal Business Assessment

Magnitude is a Tucson brand marketing, public relations, and multimedia agency. Besides media and marketing, we also offer professional business services. Our business development team can help improve your customer experience and provide top-notch formal business assessment.

What is Formal Business Assessment?

Formal Business Assessment is an analysis that uses a set of tools to understand a company’s performance. Also, it can be done on a business as a whole or specific department such as human resources, marketing or management. Often, companies struggle to narrow down on their shortcomings because they don’t have the right tools to evaluate how they perform on the market. That’s why a business assessment can be a game changer.

Formal Business Assessment - Analyzing the results.

Using special tools to understand your company’s weak spots

Instead of having to let old employees go and investing in finding new ones, you can use special tools to understand where exactly lies the problem. A formal business assessment is more than a presumption of what goes wrong in a company. It is a set of rules, techniques, and principles that can find the underlying root of your problem based on careful examination of gathered data.

What can a formal business assessment do for your business?

In short, a formal business assessment can give you a personalized road map to take your business to a new level. Metaphorically speaking, “Think of your business as a car, and a business assessment as the blueprint for its design.” Business assessments are essential to help build a healthy plan. Moreover, they give you the insight to adapt and modify your plan to remain successful.

Building a business assessment plan.

Building a business assessment plan


A formal business assessment done right can help you grow. When done with the right tools, it can offer great insight into what the strengths and weaknesses of your company are. Hence, it gives the chance to know where work needs to be done and how to move forward.

A clear picture

Not only a proper assessment will show you how your business performs, but it will also explain it in great detail. At the end of the process, you will have a clear picture of your business. As a result, you will know where you fit in the market compared to other companies. Also, more importantly, you have the chance to understand how you could do things better.

List of concepts a formal business assessment involves.

Several concepts included in a formal business assessment

A strategy

Thanks to the results you can obtain during a business assessment you get valuable information on the processes of your company. In turn, this can help you build a solid strategy to ensure the growth of those critical elements — a plan that will help your company grow internally as well as externally.

Why should you use our formal business assessment services?

Formal business assessment is difficult, and companies usually rely on professional agents to do it for them. That’s why we at Magnitude want to help your business grow with our services. We’re business professionals that own a portfolio of our own companies.

We look forward to discussing your next project with you. Contact us to schedule your free consultation.


If you want to know more about formal business assessment, check out these related articles.

“Business Assessment: Your Guide to Ongoing Improvement & Smart Growth for Your Small Business.”

“Business Assessment Questions.”

“Smart Tips on Business Performance Assessment.”


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