Magnitude is marketing and advertising company with offices in Tucson, Phoenix, and Los Angeles, California. We specialize in paid search, SEO, contracting, accounting, digital marketing, SMM, and review monitoring.
What is Contracting?
Simply put, contracting is an agreement between two or more parties, recognized and enforced by law. Many companies use it as a strategy to help reduce costs and save time. Instead of hiring full time staff, they can hire contractors to take care of the job. Often employees in the film industry prefer independent contractors. But whichever the case, both parties must make sure to comply with the IRS rules and regulations which has started to pursue violators seriously.

The right choice can save you time and money
In short, you should know what your films needs in order to find the best course of action. If you want to shoot a film that requires a lot of crew, but only takes a few months, it is probably better to work with contractors. When the filming period stretches over a longer period, you can use both full time employees and contractors.
Best contracting tips
Contracting is not easy and it gets even more difficult when you have to be on time and budget with a big project. That’s why it is important to know what you are doing and not to waste any time making mistakes. Whether it is your film you want to complete or something else entirely, here are some tips to help you hire the best workers.

Making the right choice can be hard but also rewarding
Sometimes costs are not everything
In any industry, “the costs of hiring an independent contractor versus a full-time employee are often grossly misunderstood.” Hiring and independent contractor is cheaper than supporting an employee, but sometimes it can be to your advantage to pay more. Since contractors are evaluated for the end result rather than how they perform on a daily basis, you won’t have the ability to supervise them.
Review your checklist
In order to know what’s the best man for the job, you need to do more than your homework. You need to know exactly what your plan is and what is the best way to fulfill it. In other words, have a list of all crew members you need, equipment, and other expenses associated with your project. Then, every time you look for the best worker to fill the spot, review your checklist and make the right choice.
Write a good contract
Needless to say, this is one of the most important parts of the job. Whether you find it better to outsource, hire an employee or a contractor, you need a good contract. This way, you make sure to protect both of your interests. In the event you choose to work with an independent contractor, make sure you include a non-disclosure agreement and enter a deadline, so you can have more control over the whole process.
Why should you work with us on your next project?
Contracting implies having a thorough understanding of the law. However, this isn’t the biggest obstacle companies face when looking for the best workers. Since contracting is about finding the right people for the job, it involves a set of unique skills. Magnitude brings that to the table. Our experienced team can also help you with shot lists, directing, casting, and other aspects of film production. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can help your business grow.
If you would like to know more about contracting, these resources will be helpful.
“Should I Hire An Employee, Independent Contractor, or Virtual Assistant?”
“5 Things You Need to Know About Independent Contractors.”
“Thinking About Using Independent Contractors?”
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